
Course Name PMI PDUs Cost Enroll

PMstudy Free Online Course

This is an Introductory course on Project Management. Enrolling in the PMstudy Online Free Demo gives you access to all the Learning Resources of the first two chapters of the PMBOK® Guide ("Project Management Framework" and "Project Integration Management") for three full days. This includes one Free Full Length Simulated Test, 10 Free PMI PDUs, High Quality Videos, 150+ Chapter Test Questions.

PMI Code: 2053- PMIPE

10 PMI PDUs Free Enroll

Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC™)

'Scrum Fundamentals Certified' course is tailored to help anyone interested to know more about Scrum; learn about key concepts in Scrum as defined in the SBOK™ Guide; and to get a basic understanding of how Scrum framework works in delivering successful projects.

PMI Code: 2053- SS-SFC

10 PMI PDUs Free Enroll

Six Sigma Yellow Belt (SSYB)

The Six Sigma Yellow Belt course is tailored to help anyone interested to know what Six Sigma is; learn key concepts in Six Sigma; and to get a basic understanding of how Six Sigma framework works in delivering successful projects.

PMI Code: 2053- PMIPE

08 PMI PDUs Free Enroll